

Words That Last Forever: Paradise


Upcoming Events:


Saturday, April 12, 2025 - 9:00 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.
Cason United Methodist Church
342 N. Swinton Ave., Delray Beach, FL 33444

Do you know how Jesus is like a butterfly? Have you heard about the REAL Easter Bunny who witnessed the crucifixion of Jesus? Discover the answers to these and other questions about the Resurrection story at a half-day Vacation Bible School-style event for children ages 5-11.

Children will meet five teachers in costume as characters from Jesus' Easter story. Through dramatic portrayals, hands-on games, stories, videos, activities, and crafts, they’ll learn about the heaven-sent reason for Easter.

✅ Cost: FREE!
✅ Healthy snacks provided
✅ Exclusive Easter Egg Hunt included with registration!

CLICK HERE TO REGISTER⏳ Slots fill up quickly – Registration is required! For more information, contact: Emily Popolizio – (978) 337-2690
Easter Lilies & Butterflies - Honor a Loved One This Easter! 🦋

Celebrate Easter by remembering or honoring a loved one in a meaningful way.

Place a beautiful Lily on the altar ($12 each)
Release a Butterfly on Easter Sunday (free!)
Make a donation to the Butterfly Fund

Forms are available in the bulletin and Narthex. Submit your order by April 14, by placing it in the offering plate or bringing it to the church office.

📖 Names of honored loved ones will be listed in the Easter Sunday bulletin on April 20.
A Piano & Organ Concert
March 23rd at 3:00 PM

You are invited to a piano and organ concert featuring Ed Krynicki on the organ and Elaine Reinhardt on the piano. They will perform works from renowned composers. This annual gift to Cason never fails to amaze us with their talent.

Come, enjoy, and then meet the musicians at a reception immediately afterward. Proceeds from a free-will offering will go toward the Pipe Organ Restoration Project.
Fourth Friday Dinners are coming back in March!

Join your church family for an early bird dinner at 5:00 PM on Friday, March 28. This dinner will be hosted by the United Women in Faith.
WOW! Rescheduled for August 1-3, 2025  

Our second annual whole-church retreat, Worship Outside the Walls! (WOW!) is being rescheduled again. It will now happen August 1-3.
If you were previously registered for WOW! 2024, your registration is still valid, and someone will contact you shortly to confirm your attendance. Our goal is to ensure that all registrations, roommate assignments, schedules, and speakers are securely in place for the best possible experience for everyone.
For more details, please see Debbie Douglas or Pastor David.
Wesley Heritage Tour 2025 – Postponed

Our Wesley Heritage Tour has been postponed until 2026. If you were considering joining but couldn’t make it this year—whether due to timing or cost—you now have an extra year to plan and save!

Please let Pastor David know if you’re interested. A trip like this requires extensive planning, so it’s never too early to start preparing.

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